Cupping Therapy
Cupping is an ancient Chinese technique where a cup is applied to the skin and the pressure in the cup is reduced (either by heat or suction) in order to draw and hold skin and superficial muscles inside the cup. Cupping is used to remove any stagnation (blockages) in the body and open the meridians so that Qi (energy) can flow freely. It can also help rejuvenate certain meridians and organs, improving their function to correct internal imbalance. The suction action of cupping can be used to draw out pathogenic factors out of the local area to ensure free flow in the local area. Cupping is applied to certain acupuncture points as well as to parts of the body that have been affected by pain. You will find most cupping is performed on the back or shoulder, however it is not limited to just shoulders or back, but also thigh, leg and various other locations that require cupping.
From a scientific stand-point, cupping is known to help activate the lymphatic system, promote blood circulation and assists in deep tissue repair.
Cupping is often recommended for the treatment of pain, however it does have applications for other problems such as gastro-intestinal disorders, lung diseases (especially chronic cough and asthma) and paralysis.
Additionally, cupping does have cosmetic benefits. Cupping is utillised to tone and shape the body stature to assist in weight toning and loss.
Does Cupping Hurt?
Cupping does not particularly hurt. Usually if the muscle is already tender, the muscle can be a bit more sensitive to the cupping sensation. However the practitioner can adjust the suction of the cups to ensure your comfort.
Does it leave bruises or scarring?
Cupping does leave the infamous circular marks on the patient’s back, however these marks do not last for more than a few days and will fade. So you don’t need to worry about any of those marks made from cupping.